Heat pumps move thermal energy in opposite directions of heat flow by absorbing heat from one point and releasing it in or to another. While the primary energy source for a heat pump is electricity, it has an excellent Coefficient of Performance (COP) – this is the ratio of electrical energy consumed by the heat pump to usable energy produced.
We are supporting our customers by engineering the integration of heat pump technologies into their existing industrial processes and heating systems, to absorb waste process heat and transfer it to where additional heat is required. This helps to reduce CO2 emissions and to reduce utility overheads arising from existing fossil fuelled systems. There are several potential solutions for a given application and the right choice will depend on performance, efficiency, investment, technology readiness level and regulations. We can support in all aspects of the life cycle of these projects from business case assessment, design, procurement, construction management and validation. For further information contact Caoimhín O’Lúing