Malone Group recently completed a Syrup Room Development project (value circa £950k) for a global supplier of food and drink products. The scope was to replace the site’s legacy control system and the associated MCC/control panels and cabling with a modern state-of-the-art system to address the business risk associated with obsolete control equipment and instrumentation. Replacement of plant items such as valves and pumps, and refurbishment of three blended syrup tanks and two mixing tanks, were also included in the EPCMv project scope to achieve a significant increase in the site’s production capacity.
The legacy APV ACCOS system and Siemens S7-300 based PLC systems were replaced with a Siemens S7-1500 PLC (TIA Platform) and Wonderware Intouch System Platform SCADA system with a server-client architecture. Multiple installation teams were deployed over the 10 days shutdown period to complete the cable terminations into the new control panels. All CIP and process functions and software sequences were tested within the required time to allow the site to resume production and deliver product to their customers as planned.