Malone Group is currently appointed as mechanical and electrical designers for a bank institution to complete an upgrade of their HVAC systems in a number of their existing premises. The overall brief was to upgrade their current HVAC systems and improve the overall efficiency of the systems which would naturally reduce their energy consumption on site. The current suite of facilities have had a number of change’s of use over the years and as a result the HVAC system requirements were not upgraded. The main design changes completed was the installation of VSD Drives inclusive of CO2 to reduce the airflow rate of the Air handling unit (AHU) and the addition of a thermal wheel to recover heat within AHU . The AHU / thermal wheel selected reduced the energy consumption of the fans as well as meeting the minimum temperature efficiency requirements within the different areas. Malone Group worked closely with key stakeholders including the engineering and energy teams throughout the design displaying payback inclusive of energy and financial savings of the proposed designs.