In June of this year the new CSA Z662-19 was published. You may have noticed that there have been many changes to the various Annexes. One that Malone Group would like to highlight is Annex E which has been rewritten to be mandatory for liquid hydrocarbon pipelines. If you are operating liquid hydrocarbon pipeline you need to be aware of the following.
Leak Detection Systems and Leak Detection Programs are required for:
• Multiphase pipelines
• Saltwater pipelines
• Wet condensate pipelines
• Liquid petroleum products pipelines
• Natural gas liquids pipelines
• Liquefied petroleum gas pipelines
• Crude oil pipelines
• Water pipelines (only when adverse environmental effects are possible based on a risk assessment)
It is also necessary to install devices or maintain operating practices that are capable of detecting leaks early.
Malone Group can help if you need assistance in complying with the latest Leak Detection requirements. For more information please contact Steve Thompson.